The small town of Fontanile was once characterized by two defensive walls. The first, defending the "Airali" zone, was in the form of an elongated rectangle. The Ansaldi Tower, still standing, belonged to this wall. The second wall, protecting the "Town", had two gates, the Porta Maestra and the Porta Ottoniana (both dating from the 10C), still visible today along via Roma.
This small town is served by many churches, first and foremost, in the centre, the Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista, built in the early 20C in eclectic style. The dome, 56 metres high with a diameter of 16 metres, built to the design of Bolognese engineer and architect Francesco Gualandi, is particularly impressive.
In view of its distinctive character, it is chosen as the venue for many weddings, and not only by residents, so on 25 September 2018 the L'Angolo della Promessa, or Corner of Vows, was opened in the former Battuti Church. It is a location of emotional rather than physical importance.
The Churches of San Rocco and San Sebastiano are two small but lovely rural churches at either end of town. The small Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Neirano is a short walk away, surrounded by vineyards in the hamlet of Croci.
The famous White Willow, a monumental tree 17 metres high and with a trunk 530 centimetres in diameter, is not far from the town centre, standing amidst the vines at Cornaleja; it is registered as a heritage tree with the Piedmont region. Apart from its size, it is also remarkable because a walnut, an oak and a cherry have grown together in its trunk.