The project "Fontanile: i muri raccontano ...", sponsored by the local authority, is a major pictorial art work in which the town walls and the exteriors of houses tell the story of Fontanile from the Middle Ages to the present. The aim is to bring the past back to life for our visitors, so they can experience it more vividly.
The work on the wall of Piazza Trento Trieste (55.97 metres long and 5 metres high), painted freehand, brick by brick, by painter Luigi Amerio, is particularly impressive. It traces the history of Fontanile and its navigable moat, where once women used to do their laundry and wealthy men used to pay to be ferried across.
Close to it is the first project, showing five friends who decided to take a trip to Switzerland by bicycle and received a hero's welcome on arrival. In fact, this was a heroic feat, since the date was 15 August 1912.
The project is gradually spreading right through the town and encouraging all townspeople to have a piece of their home painted, perhaps showing an ancestor engaged on a craft that is now only a distant memory.